Lure Coursing Trials May 16, 2020

Date(s) - May 16, 2020
9:00 am - 11:00 am

Morrison Sports Park



ELIGIBLE BREEDS: The Lure Course Trial Program participation is open to all breeds designated as Sighthounds who are at least 12 months of age that are individually registered with the CKC; or have an Event Registration Number (ERN); or have a Performance Event Number (PEN); or eligible for registration with the CKC; or have a Miscellaneous Certificate Number (MCN) if it belongs to a CKC listed breed.

STAKES OFFERED: Open Stakes: For all hounds including Champions Best in Field: For all Best of Breed winners Singles: Dogs will be run individually and scored by a judge. Hounds will run after the Open Stake has completed its preliminary round and then again after the open stake has completed its final round. A random draw will determine the order of running of dogs in this stake. Dogs must wear a blanket.

Dogs with Breed disqualifications are eligible to enter. Females in season may not enter. A dog may enter only once per test. Running order and arrangement of hounds coursing shall be determined by a public random draw conducted by the Field Trial Secretary. 1st drawn will wear yellow (running on left side), 2nd drawn will wear pink (running in the middle) and 3rd drawn will wear blue (running on the right side).

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